Seminary Preparation and the Local Church

By Jason Hiles, PhD
College of Theology

June 28, 2016

No other environment offers quite the same opportunity to cultivate unity with fellow Christians as the local church. It is easy to speak of unity theoretically and in isolation from others. It is another thing altogether to speak of unity when dealing with real human beings who are working out their salvation in community with others who have not yet been perfected.

Grand Canyon Theological Seminary develops Christian leaders, ministers and scholars in partnership with local churches. This process requires meaningful church involvement on the part of students.

But, it also depends substantially on mentoring relationships and opportunities offered by seasoned gospel ministers and Christian leaders. In cooperation with the seminary, professional experience and development are provided within the context of seminary training through a combination of mentoring relationships, supervised ministry requirements and internship experiences.

These experiences, which take place within the context of a particular congregation or ministry, provide vital opportunities for spiritual and professional growth and development.

Grand Canyon Theological Seminary is not the church and, although ministry regularly happens within the context of the seminary, nothing can replace the intimate fellowship, biblical teaching and worship, and consistent accountability that is available in a local congregation of believers.

Thus, we encourage students to join us in the commitment to remain meaningfully involved in the church for your sake, for the sake of all who will benefit from your involvement and for the sake of the Lord who has called us to such things.

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